Program Fees
Fees are as follows:
- $ 40.00 One Time Equipment Fee/Family (Allows usage of school’s equipment; this fee must be on a separate cheque/e-transfer Payable to Millennium Kidz N Kare.)
- $ 60.00 Regular School Day Drop In Rate
- $ 70.00 Half Day Drop In Rate with Morning Care Available (Additional activity fees are not included)
- $ 80.00 PD Day Drop In Rate (Additional activities fees are not included)
- $ 540.00 Morning care ONLY with NO Friday care. (This is not a full time spot)
- $ 540.00 After school care ONLY with NO Friday care. (This is not a full time spot)
- $ 1014.00 Kindergarten full day
- $ 575.00 Full Time Before & After Care, which includes half-day’s Fridays and Non-Instructional Days
Full time spots always take priority over part time or drop in spots.
If the payment of your account is more than ten (10) days late, you will be required to remove your child/children from the program.
Fees for your child’s care are due on the first day of each month. We accept:
• Please do understand that we need to know if you are having financial difficulties, and can try to work something out.
• If paying by cheque please postdate the checks for the school year.
• Payable to: Millennium Kidz N Kare Ltd.
• We have a stamp with our business name available to stamp your cheques if you prefer.
• Cheques returned N.S.F. will be charged a $50.00 service fee.
• If you bank with Canada Trust – you can add us as a payee. Please ask Wendy or Russ for information.
• E-transfers sent to:
• Cash.
Please note that full time sports are prioritized before part time or drop in spots.
If payment of your account is more than ten (10) days late, we will be required to remove your child/children from the program.
Registration and Termination of Care
When registering your child for care, take into consideration you are committing to a spot for a full school year of care. If you require partial registration, please communicate this to program directors upon registration. Families that require full year care will be given priority. When the program reaches maximum capacity for full time care, a waiting list is implemented on a first come basis. A minimum of thirty (30) days written notice is required to terminate your child’s attendance in the program. During this time you are still required to cover the costs for the termination period. Upon this notice, your child will no longer be registered in the program and their placement will be offered to those on our waiting list.
Subsidy Information
Subsidy payments may be available to families that require financial assistance for child care. For Subsidy information, please visit and apply for subsidy online through:
Please be aware that there is a minimum amount of hours to receive maximum subsidy amount. Subsidy is based on submitted hours of care and family income, and subsidy rates may be adjusted based on hours used. Subsidy payments through the government are received a month behind and deducted from your account. Any remaining balance will be billed directly to you. Violation of government subsidy requirements and regulations will result in immediate termination of services. Any inquiries regarding subsidy information must be directed to the government subsidy office.
Child Care Affordability Grant (Kindergarten Only)
We have been approved for the Government of Alberta Child Care Affordability Grant. It is only for kindergarten children that are in before and after school care while going to school. Eligibility and reduced fees are calculated based on the estimated number hours that your child would attend each month based, on your enrollment (not actual hours). The reduced fees are calculated based on the following enrollment hours:
- For less than 50 hours per month (1 day/week), the grant provides $0.00 in reduced fees.
- For 50-99 hours per month (2 days/week), the grant provides $225.00 in reduced fees.
- For more than 100 hours per month (3 or more days/week), the grant provides $450.00 in reduced fees.
Late Pick Ups
Millennium Kidz has a regular daily closing time of 5:30 P.M., and 5:00 P.M. on PD Days. The following late procedures will take place past these times:
- If your child is not picked up by 6:00 P.M., and the parents and/or guardians have not contacted the program by this time, we will attempt to reach the parents and/or guardians;
- If they cannot be contacted, we will attempt to contact your child’s approved alternate pick up and/or emergency contact. We will make every attempt to contact anyone on your child’s registration form;
- Social Services MUST be contacted if no communication is received following these procedures.
- A late fee of $25.00 will apply for each late pick up.
We understand and realize that there are various reasons why you may be late picking up your child; however communication is extremely important in these situations. If commutation is maintained for a reason for being late, and not an often occurrence, late fees might be waived at the discretion of the director.
When your child is sick or showing any Covid symptoms it is important that they are picked up within one hour. If your alternate pick-up is not available we will have to contact Social Services.